Price list

Start using Expectus for free!

For a start you get 100 free credits, which allow you to test the system both online and offline.

Expectus works in the pre-paid model. If you decide to use the system, please pay the amount from the invoice to the given bank account. To order invoice, log in to your account and go to the Finance tab or click on the "credits".

After paying your account will be credited with the appropriate number of credits. The collected credits are valid indefinitely. Price of a credit depends on the amount and range of data that you want to verify.

Verification of the basic option is the verification of all data in the record beyond the number of GSM (HLR). Verification full option is to check all the data contained in the record, along with verification phone number (HLR).

ilość zweryfikowanych rekordów basic full
cena walidacji jednego rekordu stawka CPM cena walidacji jednego rekordu stawka CPM
do 100 Free* Free*
101-500 0,075zł 75zł 0,75zł 750zł
501-1000 0,050zł 50zł 0,50zł 500zł
1 001-2 500 0,040zł 40zł 0,40zł 400zł
2 501-5 000 0,030zł 30zł 0,30zł 300zł
5 001-10 000 0,020zł 20zł 0,20zł 200zł
10 001-50 000 0,015zł 15zł 0,15zł 150zł
50 001-100 000 0,010zł 10zł 0,10zł 100zł
od 100 001 wycena indywidualna wycena indywidualna

*each new user receives 1000 free credits to use in both offline and online.

You have a larger database? Need an individual solution? I order the individual valuation

potrzebnych kredytów: 0
koszt: 0